What have we been up to???
Well soccer has ended. The kids both had a great season and loved every minute of it. Both of their last games were at the same time so I only have pictures of Carter's.
We carved pumpkins.
Here are the Halloween costumes for 2010.
Reagan got into something last week so her face swelled up. She looked so funny for a day. The picture does not show it very well but you can see her poor face looked bumpy with the swelling. :(
Ice Skating with Girl Scouts
We have also been very busy getting the boat out for winter. We are thinking about moving the boat closer to home next year so Matt has also been spending some time looking for a new marina. The one we keep it at now is 40 minutes from home so he would get to use it more if it was closer.
My mom and I have also been very busy with craft shows this fall. We are having a great season so far.
Hopefully, now that I can log in (actually I just got lucky and it finally autofilled the password so I still dont know what it is!) I will be able to post more often!