Grandma Jennifer and Papa Dan bought a new toy and the kids really love playing on it. Here are some pics of them driving the new go kart and Carter with his new friend.
The boys were taking on the girls in a little bumper boat war.
Last weekend Carter came in and asked us if he could play with some wood we had brought home from the boat. I had no idea what he had planned. I looked out the window to see a ramp that he had built for his tractor. He finally got up the ramp and drove right off the patio causing him to crash.
Once he managed to get the tractor upright again he learned a new trick: Tractor Tipping!
He would drive up about halfway on the ramp and let himself roll back. When the wheels hit the grass he would tip back and sometimes tip all the way back and land on his back. He did this several times.
Monday I was able to visit with a great friend and her husband. Stacy is a friend from high school and I was so excited to see her and Vinny. Vinny spent time with the kids on the go kart and feeding the fish. They loved hanging out with Vinny.
This is how I found the kids the other night while I was making dinner. It is summer right????? I hope it warms up again soon.
Hey I know one of those girls from Riley's party;)
That's cool you got to see Stacy and Vinny!
Tell Carter I am not fond of his "friend" ewwwwwwww......:-)
Your kids are so cute. I love the picture of them covered by the blanket. Carter and the tractor/ ramp makes me laugh.
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