Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Finally a slow week...

So far this week has been slow and somewhat relaxing. We had a really nice dinner at my Dad and Phyllis' Sunday evening. My dad makes the BEST BBQ chicken ever. We all try to make it like him but it never turns out. So it was a huge treat for all of us that he made us his chicken. It is truly an art! We also tried to get the bathroom ready for tile again and it did not happen. This bathroom project was not timed well with all of Matt's travels. We only have a couple days a week that he is home to work on it and there are a million other things to do when he is home too. So we gave ourselves a deadline and we will meet it no matter what. Since Sunday I have been mudding and sanding and now I can start painting today. I am planning on being done with my part before the holiday. I am sure something will come up as it always does!

Riley is having a friend over today and she has been looking forward to that for a week. Jason bought Rockband for the Wii and that is all she has wanted to do. She is really good at singing but only knows one song. Jason starts his job today too. Kids are waking...better go.


VandenBerg Family said...

What does your husband do for a living that requires all that traveling? Did you get your part of the bathroom project done?

TheGeerlings said...

Mmmmm...BBQ chicken! I hope you guys had a great holiday weekend!