Thursday, March 19, 2009


I really have been doing ok since giving up Facebook for lent. Until OPRAH! I was watching a show on the DVR from last week and I should never have watched it when they said they would be interviewing the founder of Facebook. They were talking about updating status' and getting new friends and showed someone's page with the little light blue number of messages by the inbox, and all of this made me really want to get on there. It just made me wonder how many messages I have or how many new friends are out there that have since joined. UGH! But on the other hand I am very proud of myself that I have not even thought about it really until then. (I cannot check it because Matt put an administrator block on it so no one using our internet can but really I have not tried) The one thing I miss the most as a nosy person is the status updates! So if anyone ever feels like leaving me one in a comment I would love it!! Just kidding.


Abby said...

Abby ~ is hanging out at home with the kids hoping that Emily doesn't get to sick

Nora said...


TheGeerlings said...

Rachael should be getting some work done during her planning time, but instead is reading Nora's blog.

Nora said...

Good one Rach!!! Thanks...:)

Sami said...

sami~ is watching a tv show while Fina naps and is going to try to wake up early tomorrow to work out.